The Perfect DIY Spa Day
This year has brought us many challenges. The far reaching effects of the pandemic include the closures of businesses and services which would normally be just a phone call away. In conversations with clients, I often hear about how spa treatments not only benefited their skin but their mental health as well.
Treating yourself to a full body scrub, massage, or even a spray tan can lift your spirits after a rough day or even a bad week. Exfoliating your skin not only rids your body of dead skin cells, it can also make you feel lighter in a spiritual sense. Out with the old and in with the new, as they say.
Today, I will walk you through the perfect Spa Day at home.
You will need
- Your favorite Herbal Tea
- Glass of Water
- Candles or battery operated candles
- Music
- Bath pillow
- 2 Towels
- Wash cloth
- Bubble Bath
- Bath Salts
- Body Exfoliator
- Facial Exfoliator
- Face Mask
- Body Lotion
- Self Tanner (optional)
Setting the mood is the most important step for any Spa Treatment, whether at home or in a spa setting.
Dim the lights if possible. If you do not have a dimmer on your light switch, then leave the lights off and use a few candles or battery operated candles.
Equipping your bathroom with a portable speaker that you can attach to your wall or outlet will instantly transform it into a spa treatment room. I ask my google home mini to "play spa music" or "play yoga music".
If you have a bathtub, draw yourself a bubble bath using your favourite bubbles. Adding some bath salts will also help soften your skin, so go ahead and put some in as well. I recommend running the water a little hotter than you normally would as you will be doing a body scrub before you soak in the tub. This may take a few minutes and the water will have time to cool off.
Now that your room is set, you can start your treatments.
Tie your hair up or wrap your hair in a towel to prevent your hair from getting wet. Cleanse your skin and remove any make up you may have had on from earlier in the day.
Begin with your favourite Body Scrub. Exfoliating your body is a great way to make your skin feel and look softer and moisturized, but it is also an important step if you choose to use a self tanner in the next day or so.
Take your body scrub into your shower. If you do not have both a shower and bathtub, then spread a towel on your bathroom floor and exfoliate standing over your towel. When using the shower method, do not turn on the water or wet your skin. Apply the body scrub with dry hands onto your skin and don't forget to exfoliate your feet! It is not recommended to use a body exfoliator on your face. Always use an exfoliator that is made specifically for your face since body scrubs can be too harsh, as the skin is thinner on your face. Once you have exfoliated, rinse in the shower. If you do not have a shower then step into the bathtub and rinse.
Once you have gotten comfortable in the tub, you can apply your favourite face mask. Relax, sip some water or tea and enjoy the music as your mask works its magic. When the directed amount of time is up, remove mask with a wash cloth. If you would prefer to skip the face mask all together and treat yourself to a full Mini Facial, read my previous blog on The All Natural "At Home" Mini Facial – Courbet Beauty
Now that you have completed your at home Mini Spa Treatment, you can start to apply your favourite body lotion.
When choosing an all natural lotion to apply to your skin, I like to pick one that matches my mood. Do I want to be relaxed? Then I would gravitate towards a Lavender Lotion. Do I have a busy day ahead and need a burst of energy? Something Citrus will be my go to. I find it especially important to use an all natural lotion after a full body scrub as your skin can be quite sensitive.
If you are like me, and have been dreaming of a beach holiday, then you may want to treat yourself to a self tanner. A light and natural glow on your skin can brighten not only your complexion but your mood too. You will want to apply your self tanner tanning products 24 hours after your full body exfoliation.
Now go cuddle up in bed, with your favourite book or TV show and relax. You deserve it!
Stay tuned for my next blog on how to give yourself a flawless self tan at home!